All About NeoCaridina Shrimp



Scientific Name

Neocaridina heteropoda

Common Names

Cherry Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp



Water Parameters

pH: 6.5-8.0; Temperature: 65-85°F; Hardness: 6-10 dKH

Tank Size

Minimum of 5 gallons for a small group

Tank Set-up

Planted tank with hiding spots and plenty of surface area


Omnivorous; will eat algae, biofilm, and commercial shrimp food


Peaceful; can be kept with other shrimp and small fish


Females can carry up to 30 eggs at a time; babies will hatch after 3-4 weeks and can be raised on powdered or liquid fry food


1-2 years

Care Level


Blue Maritime Stamp with Anchor


Question & Answer



How to prepare your new tank for Neocaridina shrimp?

Cycle the tank, test water parameters, add appropriate decorations and plants, and ensure proper filtration.

What can I feed Cherry Shrimp?

Algae-based flakes, freeze-dried bloodworms, blanched vegetables, sinking shrimp pellets, small pieces of boiled vegetables, and frozen fish food.

What is Biofilm in your aquarium?

A thin layer of organic material made up of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that helps create a healthy environment for fish and other aquatic life.

What is the secret to keeping Neocaridina shrimp brightly colored?

Providing clean water, nutritious diet, hiding places, oxygen-rich water, natural algae, regular cleaning and maintenance.

Do Cherry Shrimp have lighting requirements?

Yes, they prefer low to moderate lighting and indirect light.

What tank mates are best for Neocaridina Shrimp?

Peaceful invertebrates and small fish such as neon tetras, cherry barbs, and zebra danios, and peaceful bottom dwellers like corydoras.

What does it mean to cull an aquarium of Neocaridina Shrimp?

Removing any shrimp that have undesirable traits or colors from the tank to maintain desired colors and traits and ensure healthy levels of competition for food and resources.

Are wild type Neocaridina shrimp healthier?

Wild type shrimp have adapted to their environment, which means they are better equipped to handle stressors, parasites, and other health issues

How to notice happy shrimp in your aquarium?

Active movement, eating, interaction with other shrimp and fish, bright coloration, and extended antennae.

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